Four (4) each of the following species:
Chinquapin Oak
American Elderberry
American Plum
Shagbark Hickory
(24 total seedlings - No Substitutions)
Chinquapin Oak (Quercus muehlenbergii)
This medium growing deciduous tree can reach a mature height of 40-60 ft and a spread of 50-70 ft. It prefers full sun and adapts to a wide range of soil conditions. It is tolerant of alkaline soils and needs a pH >7. Acorns that are 1/2-1” in size are produced annually that attract birds and mammals. It is relatively pest free including resistance to oak wilt. Click here for more info from ODNR
American Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)
This deciduous shrub reaches a mature height and spread of 5-12 ft. and has white blooms from June to July. It grows in medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. It tolerates a wide range of soils, but prefers moist, humusy ones. Elderberry spreads by root suckers to form colonies. Fruits are attractive to wildlife and are sometimes used to make jams, jellies, pie fillings, and wine. Attracts birds and butterflies. Click here for more info from ODNR
American Plum (Prunus americana)
Its white, pungently sweet blossoms emerge in early spring before the foliage breaks bud. It is very adaptable to a wide variety of environmental conditions and needs full sun. Can reach a mature height of 20 ft. and mature spread of 25 ft. Click here for more info from ODNR
Hazelnut (Corylus americana)
This nut-producing shrub grows to a height of 15-18 ft. and a spread of 10-12 ft. at maturity with a medium to fast growth rate. It takes on a multi-stemmed form with an open, often wide-spreading base. Full sun and partial shade are best for this shrub - a minimum of 4 hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day. The hazelnut grows in acidic, alkaline, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, well drained, or clay soils and is drought-tolerant. Should be planted in multiples (2 or 3) to ensure cross-pollination. Nuts are preferred by squirrels, deer, turkey, woodpeckers, pheasants, grouse, quail, and jays. Hazelnuts can be eaten fresh or roasted as well as used in both sweet and savory dishes. Click here for more info from ODNR
Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)
The persimmon is quite adaptable to a variety of soil, moisture, and polluted conditions. It prefers moist, well-drained, average soils of various pH's, but easily adapts to poor, rocky, clay, sandy, or even organic soils of dry or moist constitution. It will not tolerate wet sites and needs full sun to partial sun. A slow to medium growing tree, it can reach a mature height of 50 ft. and spread of 30 ft. Persimmon is primarily a dioecious species, having male and female flowers on separate trees. This tree produces a yellow flower in late spring and early summer. Persimmons are often pureed or baked into goods, but they’re also delicious raw. Click here for more info from ODNR
Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata)
This medium growing tree can reach mature heights of 100 feet and mature spreads of 40 ft. It is frequently found in dry uplands or moist valleys. Its cut timber is prized for making tool handles, athletic equipment, furniture, construction timbers, and firewood. It is also sought after for smoking meats, especially pork. It produces sweet and large nuts relished by squirrels and other wildlife. Click here for more info from ODNR
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