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Hardwood Packet (20 Seedlings)

Four (4) each of the following species:

Black Cherry

Black Walnut

Northern Red Oak

White Oak

Tulip (Yellow) Poplar - Tulip Tree

(20 total seedlings - No Substitutions)


Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)

Commercially important tree growing to 60+ ft. at maturity; commonly used for lumber, veneer, and furniture. Leaves are dark green in summer and yellowish in fall. The small black fruit provides food for a variety of birds and mammals. Tolerates a wide variety of growing conditions.

Click Here for more info from ODNR


Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)

A rapidly growing tree common in all of Ohio, is frequently in moist bottomlands and open fields, but  found everywhere due to squirrels burying its nuts. It has dark green compound leaves and produces delicious nuts that are preferred by wildlife. It is valued for timber, veneer, and furniture. Grows well in most locations, but prefers fertile, deep soils. Mature height and spread is 70 ft. Prefers full to part sun. Click here for more info from ODNR


Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra)

Tall, relatively fast growing tree that can reach 80+ ft. at maturity. Leaves are shiny green in summer and rustic red in fall. Makes an excellent tree for street or yard. Prefers full sun and acidic soil. It has a commercial value for furniture and lumber. Yields acorns that are round and ¾–1 inch long with a flat, thick, saucer-like cap. Acorns from this tree are at the top of the food preference list for blue jays, wild turkeys, squirrels, small rodents, whitetail deer, raccoons, and black bears. Deer also browse the buds and twigs in wintertime. Click here for more info from ODNR


White Oak (Quercus alba)

A large, broadleaf tree growing to 100+ ft. at maturity. This species is semi-shade tolerant, found on a variety of sites, and grows best in deep, sandy loam soil on south and west facing slopes. A great species for wildlife. Yields acorns that are up to 1 inch long with a warty cap that covers about ¼ of the nut. Acorns are one of the best sources of food for wildlife and are gathered, hoarded, and eaten by birds, hoofed browsers, and rodents. Leaf buds also are eaten by several bird species and all parts of the tree are a favorite food for deer. Click here for more info from ODNR


Tulip (Yellow) Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)

A fast-growing tree, at maturity this species can reach a height of 80 ft. with a spread of 40 ft. Flowering in late May/early June, it has the largest solitary flower of any native tree in Ohio. It is characterized by six petals that are yellow-green on the outside, and orange-yellow on the inside. It grows in full sun to partial sun and prefers moist but well-drained, slightly acidic, deep, rich soil but can adapt to other soil conditions. Early/mid season bloom. Click here for more info from ODNR

Hardwood Packet (20 Seedlings)

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